
If somebody is talking too much, nobody knows exactly what he (she) wants.


It takes time to listen to what you are proposing or what you are thinking, it will be better to explain what you are doing.


You should take a break for thinking to what you desire to do. So you will be able to explain it clearly.


Is it a real opportunity for us to establish a trip in all countries you have recently visited in order to follow you ?


With the bank closed on Saturday and on Sunday, we have the time to expect and to hope that the Euro will be more interesting for us on Monday. We still have a good European bank.


Say "tweets are only my opinion" when they are actually shared.

We could make a long way in a good and wide association without borrowing them.


When we are invited, we would be surprised if our host is welcoming us with the bill.


If we would encourage the protection of freedom to undertake, then the only gain we could achieve would be to wish success to this locksmith firm.


It would be a better deal for us to tell someone what we would like him to be instead of saying by names or by words, what he is now for us.


Whatever the wedding, we await the arrival of the cookie.


If the war is not only a game, then it will remain unable to achieve peace.