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Je suis le scribe de mon maître.
Sa dictée glisse sur ma plume
Telles les paroles de ses lèvres ;
Et le texte se trace, vient à naître.
De l'air doux sort et je l'hume
Tel le parfum secret de ses plèvres.

Comme le journaliste empreint
D'actualité et réelle information,
Qui va aux faits divers ou à l'éditorial.
Avec vérité et sagesse il dépeint,
Fidèle observateur et sans opinion,
Alimentant le lecteur d'un journal.

Que ne suis écrivain d'un livre,
Celui qui beau et droit trône, autel
de Loi, il a pour titre Bible, Amour
Il a pour Roi. Et pour lui c'est vivre
Et envers lui c'est foi. Tout autour
C'est murmure, prière, cœur et ciel.

Aussi mon témoignage est celui
D'un chanteur qui va ici et là,
Troubadour, répéter des comptines
Aux enfants de Noël. C'est Lui
Que j'annonce sans tralalas,
Pour le repas de toutes les cantines.



Et je tisse sur la toile,
Des mots, des chants
Comme il prend la voile
Le bateau dans le vent.

Que j'aime mon rafiot
Qui suit le cap juste
Il a la laisse d'un chiot
Et sur sa proue un buste

Qui salue les navires.
Car moi si petit, rieur
Jamais je ne chavire
J'écope de bonheur.

Et de toutes les risées,
Des coups et tornades
Ma chevelure frisée
mon cœur bat la chamade.


Le Psaume de l'« Evangelii gaudium »

Le vendredi de la 28e semaine du temps ordinaire

20141017 Le Psaume de l'« Evangelii gaudium »

Psaume 33(32),1-2.4-5.12-13.

Criez de joie pour le Seigneur, hommes justes !
Hommes droits, à vous la louange !
Rendez grâce au Seigneur sur la cithare,
jouez pour lui sur la harpe à dix cordes.

Oui, elle est droite, la parole du Seigneur ;
il est fidèle en tout ce qu'il fait.
Il aime le bon droit et la justice ;
la terre est remplie de son amour.

Heureux le peuple dont le Seigneur est le Dieu,
heureuse la nation qu'il s'est choisie pour domaine !
Du haut des cieux, le Seigneur regarde :
il voit la race des hommes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Que serais-je sans toi à ne pas partager ta joie ?

Exultez de joie pour le Seigneur
Car il nous parle en Évangile !
Par son corps, heureux serviteurs
Il nous délivre de tout hile (1) .

Aujourd'hui chantons la louange
Pour Dieu, nos frères, la famille !
Que du ciel parviennent les anges
Ils sont cent, en vient (2) mille !

Marchons, mangeons, buvons,
Adorons (3) celui qui nous guide !
Il est droit et juste ; soyons (4)
Sur son chemin, sous son égide !

Aplanissons la route en ce jour
Et annonçons la Bonne Nouvelle !
Oui ! Répondons par notre amour
A toutes nations, race choisie et belle !

Notre (5) François nous le rappelle ;
Humble pasteur et serviteur,
Au milieu de nous, il nous appelle
À être en joie avec le Seigneur.

Exultez de joie pour le Seigneur
Car il nous parle en Évangile !

Note d'explication et de traduction :

1. * lat. Hilum, cicatrice laissée par le tégument d'une graine, 

  • illness, par dérivé de l'anglais, maladie ,
  • il, par omission du sujet que l'on ignore ou qui est ignoré,
  • île, par homonymie, emprisonnement.

2. Pluriel unit ou réunit au/en, singulier pour s'accorder avec famille.

3. Ordre indifférencié des actions reprenant seulement l'accord de l'esprit et de corps.

4. ou «allons», sens original et primitif où «avoir, être et marcher» possèdent la même signification.

5. « pape » est omis car implicite.

Words and deeds of David

Saturday of the Third week in Ordinary Time

2nd book of Samuel 12:1-7a.10-17.

The LORD sent Nathan to David, and when he came to him, Nathan said: "Judge this case for me! In a certain town there were two men, one rich, the other poor.

The rich man had flocks and herds in great numbers.

But the poor man had nothing at all except one little ewe lamb that he had bought. He nourished her, and she grew up with him and his children. She shared the little food he had and drank from his cup and slept in his bosom. She was like a daughter to him. Now, the rich man received a visitor, but he would not take from his own flocks and herds to prepare a meal for the wayfarer who had come to him. Instead he took the poor man's ewe lamb and made a meal of it for his visitor."

David grew very angry with that man and said to Nathan: "As the LORD lives, the man who has done this merits death!

He shall restore the ewe lamb fourfold because he has done this and has had no pity."

Then Nathan said to David: "You are the man! Thus says the LORD God of Israel: 'I anointed you king of Israel. I rescued you from the hand of Saul.

Now, therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised me and have taken the wife of Uriah to be your wife.'

Thus says the LORD: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight.

You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down.'"

Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." Nathan answered David: "The LORD on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die.

But since you have utterly spurned the LORD by this deed, the child born to you must surely die."

Then Nathan returned to his house. The LORD struck the child that the wife of Uriah had borne to David, and it became desperately ill.

David besought God for the child. He kept a fast, retiring for the night to lie on the ground clothed in sackcloth.

The elders of his house stood beside him urging him to rise from the ground; but he would not, nor would he take food with them.

Copy from Daily Gospel


Oh the clever ideas
They are the most stupid!
On the beach, from the seas
We are playing intrepid.

They are very recent
In all heads they disturb.
Amusing, indecent
for laughs, do not curb!

Oh the clever ideas
They are the most stupid!

The most recent is the equality.
From a bitch, sex and fun,
We like it, our nudity:
Four legs, like a dun.

Oh the clever ideas
They are the most stupid!

We are all elected presidents
For democracy in this country down ;
We pay incomes and taxes of residents
Raising the country, it is putting us down.

Oh the clever ideas
They are the most stupid!

We are promised to resurrection
And after this joyful death
Of a so good and global abortion
All of us on the earth beneath.

Oh the clever ideas
They are the most stupid!

To see my pretty funny ass
I am taking for me mirror
While any dear buddy has
With direct glance, all the honor.

Oh the clever ideas
They are the most stupid!

And against all predicted floods,
We comb hit the high mountains.
The waves will not reach us, bad moods
Will only stay on our low plains.

Oh the clever ideas
They are the most stupid!


I came to talk in the desert, this earth
Where all men are dust, sand, everybody
Is made of silica. Ears which live in a body
Are deaf to the hopes of the heart.

Back to the Spirit, the Law they are rebellious;
They come and go, denying their infirmities
Their are unable to share their disabilities,
To fight storms, earthquakes, more furious.

Repelled by the rivers, oceans and seas,
They expect the lull of torrential rains,
Of devastating tidal waves, of hurricanes.
They are slaves of events and deseases.

Oh nature that does not respect itself,
Rough humanity, haughty and quarrelsome
You always deny with disdain, your home,
The divinity of the science that animates oneself.

Time is no longer to knowledge, to lyricism
And to thought; the broken strings are muted.
Only splinters, pests craters substituted,
Explosive bombs, vengeful acts, new criticism.

Even better is the triumphant damnation
This is the horror that exposes all holiness
This is the unique case of any wastefulness
Worn as the salvation of any redemption

I am still crying, lowly praying woman
Repentant to the majesty smile of Our Lady.
My lost children in the cemetery are already;
Before be conceived by an unknown man.

They emit screams on their beds, noises of age
Hoping for the return of their Father, Son
Whose the cross is not in their free prison
Or even in one room of our tiny cottage.

In the nightmares their reasons are failing
Like mine to the death of my unconsciousness;
I wanted so much freedom and happy loneliness
I still enclosed by the darkness of this foreign dreaming.

Give thanks to those who come in the name of the Lord

Friday of the First week in Ordinary Time

Commentary of the day

Pope Francis - Encyclical « Lumen fidei / The light of faith», § 57 (trans. © Libreria Editrice Vaticana)

"When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, 'Child, your sins are forgiven.' "

Suffering reminds us that faith’s service to the common good is always one of hope — a hope which looks ever ahead in the knowledge that only from God, from the future which comes from the risen Jesus, can our society find solid and lasting foundations.
In this sense faith is linked to hope, for even if our dwelling place here below is wasting away, we have an eternal dwelling place which God has already prepared in Christ, in his body (2 Cor 4,16-5,5).
The dynamic of faith, hope and charity (1 Th 1,3; 1 Cor 13,13) thus leads us to embrace the concerns of all men and women on our journey towards that city "whose architect and builder is God" (Heb 11,10), for "hope does not disappoint" (Rm 5,5).

In union with faith and charity, hope propels us towards a sure future, set against a different horizon with regard to the illusory enticements of the idols of this world yet granting new momentum and strength to our daily lives.

Let us refuse to be robbed of hope, or to allow our hope to be dimmed by facile answers and solutions which block our progress, "fragmenting" time and changing it into space.

Time is always much greater than space. Space hardens processes, whereas time propels towards the future and encourages us to go forward in hope.

To the Holy Trinity

Love Him, love her, love them.
They have a body, an heart, a mind
In the same time you love them,
Even you are one or the other blind.

You are a baby child, without any power.
Is there already a watch on your hand side?
Yes, with your bosom, your bone, a tower
You build, your spirit in your countryside.

Oh, teenager, crazy experience and testing
Without love because too love here and there,
And lessons from those you avoid learning
Your growth done from everyone everywhere.

Adult it seems your mass is in your field
By good meals, so many and full achards,
Research, intellect satisfied in your field
In your land you are keeping from all hazards.

You try with any mood, with any humor
To find the essence of what pleases to all
For one and all in you, you will paramour
This alliance, cette triplice, unit is all.

And in your retired vacancies, the day
Is rising to the unexpected eternal dawn
In the confusion of your tears, smiles of day
You are yet assembled in this prayer; gawn.

Elderly we are in such of happiness
Our heart is totally in other youngers
Our bodies withered from all this illness
And our failing spirit casts its last embers.

Oh human love faces to the supreme, above
Oh Body of Christ received to love them all
Oh Holy Spirit path of every spirit, every love,
Oh heart listening to Lord God, the Love.

To this almighty love of earth, of the sky
Word of silence, tenderness, hymn
For the Trinity, for our unity, we don't know why:
Love her, love them, love Him.

From Him

Migrations Reise - 1

Sie kann nicht laufen oder Norden oder Süden oder Westen, beschloss sie, nach Osten zu gehen.

Die erste Erde traf sie wurde von freundlichen Wesen bewohnt. Die Wiesen und Wälder waren fruchtbar.
Sie ließ sich in einem guten Hostel. Der Besitzer der Platz wurde Frau Sigmund genannt. Sie war sehr freundlich.
Das Gasthaus dann füllt. Die Menschen strömten aus allen von den Überschwemmungen betroffenen Regionen.
Aber das hat dieser Frau tief und großzügigen Willkommens nicht zu stoppen und seinen Platz in welcher fremde Hilfe, so gut sie konnte Herzen zu finden.
Einer der Mitarbeiter des Gasthaus "Schwarzwald", eine köstliche und zierliche junge Frau namens Claudia hatte die Funktion einer Kellnerin.
Sie war sehr gut organisiert und hatte eine Dynamik der Veränderung, eine Art Verwaltung von Selbstwertgefühl.
Angefangen von Kunden und Klienten, verbrachte sie die Speisen und Getränke gebracht mit einer Eingriffs Lächeln mochte Männer und weckte auch bei den Frauen positive Eifersucht ist auch lustig sein.
Kurz gesagt, die Atmosphäre dieses sympathische Gasthaus war das Beste.

Speaking the silence

I have nothing to say, even by writing.
The Bible is on the desk opened.
What I am expecting to much, beginning,
Is the silence again never finished?

Have I read the alphabet in all languages?
As they are beautiful, words of others,
Characters and images from the ages
They are waving like lovely flowers.

I am a child opening calendar, day
And from a window to next window
I am waiting day after, His birthday
To find a door opened, a good fellow.

I always see stars, laughs and smiles
They are as I am, happy when the rains
falls; like arms that wipe, and miles
On the long road. For them toys, trains,

War games and drive, planes they like;
So am I, so cheerful with a baby doll.
They are living with things which are like
Other things. For me it is human. They lol!

So I respect the baby as the straw the manger
And to things and to men I am cherishing
All they are. I have love and never anger
Which is for them a word, copy, publishing.

What can I add to all your lifes, me ? You are
The best friends I have on this earth. I am
Listening to you, hearing all music, fanfare
Nearby me or so far, I dance on my tiny gam.

As a baby in my hands I gently rocks
I translate, my ears heard yesterday
The Beatle's air of my parents rolls on rocks,
What they have not in them, I have it today.

Baby - 3.7437dqkb

The wings of peace - B2B

The wings which are fluttering
In the sky, down on earth, the peace
There is a spirit. They are coming
From north. Under shadow, crease

The great tree, an arm of the statue
This is the path that climbs
To the desert of aims, this day tue
Is proclaming the path of lambs.

There is no death, there is
The proud of men, all clans
Over the landscape it is
A place of flowers, no cans.

Downstairs is the cemetery
But there are only rocks
New water, dysentery
Has gone away, docks.

They are celebrating the age
That's revealing reality, faithfull
Around the circle, words, page
Of all freedom, so delightful

Marya Deslas - b8gv8qq1ph8

Public and private confession prayer

I have to be apologized by you my friends.
All the words I pronounced on the net,
From the beginnig, this day, to all of the ends
From all, copies, texts, images on the Internet.

I have down and uploaded as are my favourites.
Because I am hearing and seeing all of your best
As if I ignored civility and old human rites
And public or private I introduce into your nest.

It is a glory to see you so naked, so beautiful,
Men very strong, powerful, without any gates
Women your bosom and grace so delightful
Handsome and charming that nobody hates.

I am finding very good apple and orange to eat
Juices so sweet, fruit forbidden, actual snake?
Am I so guilty to be hungry ? So I must me beat
For a sandwich, a snack and not them make ?

It is a misery not to go further, to think it's bad.
Racism excludes progress. Is it a good manner
To do as it was? Colons have gone or are mad,
And those of their memories back, it is a booer.

I have seen one of them in a street proclaming
I have not to smile and to see, how not do it ?
With this time and tomorrow will be, imaging
With all my prothesis in my body they are fit.

Henceforth I am seeing everybody as the reality
Better than before and better anybody will be.
And some of you will refuse this new identity !
This is one path in the world, working the bee.

If you are choosing to kill all animal, all trees
They would not be leaves even nor good honey.
And of course anybody will not do "cheese"
Of a bull, beef or a cow milk on this new journey.

Things are they dressed or dressed by you?

Marya 2071068poo

My Neighbours

To all my neighbours,
WoMen, men, labours,
Children are in a school
This is like a pool.

What you like is water !
Swimming a good matter
First with your mother
And playing your father.

Family is on holiday
What a good day !
In all of the seasons
For splendid reasons.

In the nature, the river
And the bridge, under
As fishes we do splash
Games in the squash.

Cool or warm, crying,
Wet we do like dying
And rising out of soup ;
We are a strong group.

One or the other comes,
She or he a day becomes
In another person, friend.
But it is never the end.

That's we call the life.
Everywhere is a wife.
Everytime a partner.
We were going sooner

On the earth ignored,
On this soil favoured,
To follow a large band,
To expect the husband.

Marya 3.623.7nkp

Replay « Reading of the Book of Isaiah 25,6-10a. » v10.13.36

On his mountain, the Lord of hosts
will provide for all peoples, hopes,
A feast of rich food and choice wines,
Succulent meats, juicy, decanted wines.

He will take of the web over peoples
The veil covered over all peoples
He will destroy death forever
As the tissue wiped His face sooner.(1)

The Lord God will wipe away
The tears from all faces. The way (2)
He wanted for everybody, the words,
The verb He is in all countries and lords,

To explain by a unique thinking
How to His Father He is praying.
To the Lord God, the Creator, the Verb
Of all characters, of the Speech, of (all) adverb.

And from the sky, on the whole earth,
He will be again heaven, the birth. (3)
The reproach of his people He will remove
By all acts and by all meanings they move

To what He has spoken, the word “Love”, (4)
That's He has promised to all is above.
On this day it is said : “Behold our God
For Him we look, for us His son, His blood

He is the Lord, today let us rejoice
And glad of Him memory". Joyce
Is reading in the Hand of Lord,
On the Bible, this is Gospel, Joy.

Painting of Joyce – The Joy

Prayer of the day : Keep always the "A" of Alzheimer you have if you don't remember to sing "Alleluia".

Dressed for Europeans 2, 13 bis

By blood and misery, you know
It is time, the hour is now, go!
The bell sounds, after all sleep
The sheet blown; gentle sweep.

The night is nearly finished,
Dawn approach, darkness vanished.
You lose money by such activity
War games, fighting the radioactivity.

By the sky, there is a lot of light ;
You even are proud in the daylight.
Don't you think you are steal alive?
It will always be a day of live.

You have to quick dressing you up,
Clothes of real feast for her ; hope
And best wishes, everybody in Europe
Is expecting growth, rising star(t) up.

From “The Day”

My pansy flowers (v8.4)

In my garden of the Queen and ladies
I love them all, by me, all cherished,
All my flowers, parfum of lilies
But of long days I am punished.

I kept lather in a corner, I ignored
This is a real dam, how it can grow,
For botany, my flowers honoured !
So I must make for them a nice row.

They are now in the middle of square,
In a good park of my London suburbs.
The other weeds are still everywhere
In tiny flower pots of some murbs.

By experience, by works of a gardener
And friend of lambs, even of wolves,
In new enclosures, the nets are better
Tightened ; what can I do for them ? Who resolves ?

Slavery and freedom are so near
This wind blowing roughly on my tree
And soon the leaves, flowers swept, appear
The winter wills, makeup that I see

As a new spring. I prepare under my roof
Return of greenery, beautification, lover's
Petals, fighting a stranger and mad doof
My old and new beauties, digitals flowers.


Volonté de star - rythme 1231241

Je veux refaire mes lèvres
Pour mieux parler la langue
Et voyager dans le monde.
Je veux apprendre dans les livres,
Me délivrer de ma gangue
Plaire à tous, à la ronde,
M'éclater de rires et vivre.

Je veux sculpter mes seins
Et avoir le coeur gros
Enfanter en un lieu nouveau,
Qui soit beau et grave bien.
Je veux être libre du métro,
Rouler en quatre quatre,
Fuir ce milieu, mon pétrin.

Je veux avoir un nez d'argent
Qui comme le sphinx chasse
Le vent et être en ma maison
La reine de tous les gens.
Riche dépense et j'amasse
Pour la suite, mes gosses ;
Etre mon propre agent.

Traduit par Marya Deslas d'<\BRACKET>es</\BRACKET> en <\BRACKET>fr</\BRACKET>.3

inspiré de "No hables de lo visible y de lo invisible"


Parmi les tombes et les jardins,
Les haies de verdure et les thuyas,
Les lumignons et bosquets anodins
Parfumés d'anonymes et de frimas,

C'est là que je retrouve ma famille,
Et mes amis de demain, feuilles
Amassées de lettres, courriers, ramille
Qui revient à la terre, pétrin de deuils.

Depuis longtemps ils me répondent
Par le Seigneur auquel est la prière.
Car si les morts crient et parlent,
Les vivants ont l'écoute de Notre Père.

Kotka<\BRACKET>fr, id</\BRACKET>.10

Un projet, ou peut-être une idée

« Un projet, ou peut-être une idée » sur la musique de l'Aigle noir de Barbara a été abandonné mais reste un témoignage de la Manif pour Tous.

Un projet, ou peut-être une idée

Un projet, ou peut-être une idée,
Élections, président , assemblée,
Au milieu de nous tous, société
Venue dont ne sait où, amis
Surgit une infamie.

Décadents, les textes légiférés,
Infamants, je les vis discutés,
Devant moi, LCP, toutes chaînes,
Ils semblaient libérer,
Ils étaient adoptés !

Ils étaient portés par Taubira,
Bien haut elle le veut, il ira
Avec violence et propos.
Et j'ai vu, injuste loi,
Renoncer à la foi.

Car moi, petit enfant,
Heureux avec mes parents,
Disparus soudain par accident,
Famille perdue trop tôt,
J'espère pour bientôt.

Oui, je voudrais reconstruire
Et du malheur, instruire
Qu'il n'est pas de pareil lien
Dont je suis en ce jour témoin
Et que je veux garder au loin.

Oui c'est bien d'avoir une maman
Un papa ; en eux personne ne ment
Et je sais bien sûr d'où je viens,
Et j'ai gardé mon identité
Contre toute fatalité.

Alors je crie pour que viennent
Les jours et que j'obtienne
Le droit d'être ce que je veux
Dans la vérité de ma naissance,
Liberté, droit à la désobéissance !

En effet je revendique pour tous
Les idéaux français, accord en tous :
Liberté, égalité, fraternité sans pareils.
Acclamés au-delà de nos frontières
Pour vaincre repousser nos misères.

Mais personne ne songe à moi,
À moi qui ne suis qu'un jouet de bois
Dont on parle tel un objet, vague projet
Sang et chair, je suis un être humain,
Esquissé des plaisirs, pétri des mains.

Je ne prendrais ou donnerais si je les avais
Ni d'ovule ni de sperme au mauvais
Génie : penser maîtriser toute nature !
C'est voler une partie pour un autre soi-même,
Autoriser le viol en prétendant qu'on aime.

Elle est supercherie, cette libre union
Qui sans entraves se joue de la nation.
Non, je n'en veux point et ne me laisserai aller
À cette égalité stricte, sinistre, triste et cynique,
Qui annonce le pire tel un monde civique.

Alors je crie avec ceux qui manifestent,
J’accompagne tous contre cette peste.
Pourquoi suis-je là si joyeux et heureux ?
Lutter contre les maux et remercier toujours
Mes parents, papa, maman, mes amours.

Marya Deslas, 7 mars 2013


L'arobasque des actes & des sentiments

Tu pianotes message
De tes huit doigts
Agiles, pas si sages,
Gestes adressés à moi.

Nie cette communication
Enfant et ta rage !
Corps, sexe, salutation
Pour le cœur, le courage.

Car à te mettre si nue
Sur la toile, sans basques,
Tu veux ignorer la rue
Mais cèdes à l'arobasque.

Viens et rejoins-moi.
Réjouis-toi de mes mains
Aux extrémités de toi,
Parle moi peut-être « 2m1 ».

Marya Deslas jeudi 27 septembre 2012

Commentaire :

Ne sommes-nous pas dans une civilisation où nous ajoutons interfaces pour communiquer, pour l'améliorer, … pour nous isoler, peut-être nous protéger de notre solitude et mieux la vaincre ? Le risque en tout cas à ces pensées transmises par écrit, par interfaces, est que nous en oublions la parole directe, qui est plus commode pour véhiculer nos idées, … et l'action, le geste qui traduisent véritablement nos intentions. Ainsi nous substituerions à ces dernières, en l'absence de réalisation, une trépidation frénétique, un activisme débordant qui révèle finalement la solitude d'un espoir, la carence d'une vie partagée.
Il reste à vous d'y méditer et mieux à être selon votre pensée ...

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